Friday, September 7, 2012

Preggle me this

a few weeks ago i decided to purchase a body pillow to help me start sleeping on my side. usually, i'm a "sleep in whatever position is comfortable" kind of girl. but now people are telling me which way i have to do this and that and i just can't do it without a little help! since there were practically 12 people at my office who were all pregnant at the same time last year, i asked them for some help. only other people know how to sleep on their side, unlike me, and therefore didn't use a body pillow. rats. so i took to what i know best.


only there are 50 different types of pillows and everyone says each one sucks and is great at the same time! how is this possible? so i took the plunge and bought one that looked the least weird, but still has a funny name: the Preggle. behold:
yeah, i know, it still looks weird. but i needed a pilow that i could use with my regular Temperpedic with. so many of the body pillows are an "all-body" experience and require you to wrap your entire frame around them, like so:
seriously? how do you get in and out of this thing? and what if you have to go to the bathroom? you don't take it with you, do you? all the pregnancy forums rave about this pillow but i feel like it's the Husband Repeller.

i already feel bad enough sleeping with my back to him the whole night (he sleeps on the right, and since i have to sleep on my left side, well, you get the picture), but this thing is like having an affair.

anyways, the Preggle has some cool features. so far, this is my preferred method of sleeping- with my regular pillow and Preggle in this position:
i sleep the best when it hug it pretty darn close to me, and my bottom leg is straight under the pillow, with my top leg resting on top.

the only draw back so far is that this pillow is HUGE. it's super girthy, and when left under my blankets, it looks like a person is still sleeping in my bed. i have to crawl OVER it when coming back from the bathroom and it takes a few minutes to untangle the sheets and comforter from around it. it has a weird "air flow" strap whose purpose i have yet to figure out.  the price was right at $44, so i guess i can't complain. my only hope is this baby settles down a little and isn't so puffy. otherwise it's going to continue to feel like we're having a threesome.

1 comment:

  1. I had the same pillow problems - its impossible to maneuver around in the middle of the night! I gave up on mine towards the end and just got a wedge pillow - super small but it kept me from rolling on my back.
