Saturday, November 17, 2012

Sugar Momma

ahh, the dreaded glucose tolerance test. it's every pregnant woman's nightmare. somehow, medicine hasn't advanced enough to do away with a test that requires a preggo to fast for 12 hours, then consume a crapload of sugar in 5 minutes, and get 3 blood draws over the course of 2 hours ( i can't imagine how fasting that long is good for baby!). luckily, i didn't have to do the 3 hour test or tack on another blood draw and an even more concentrated glucose drink. blech!

i was most afraid of the fasting portion of the test because i get HUNGRY and feel like i have to eat NOW. i scheduled the test for 8 in the morning and was hoping that it would be early enough that i wouldn't feel like i would die of hunger. i had cereal as late as i could the night before and it paid off. i got to the lab a little early and they took my first blood draw. then they handed over the goods: 10 ounces of Lemon Lime glucose drink in 75 mg.
mmmmm.... it looked deceivingly like sprite and actually didn't taste too different. just much more sugary. i downed it in 3 minutes and was on my way to the waiting room. i brought my iPad and ensured i had a movie on it to help pass the time. so i spent most of it watching the very appropriate Hunger Games!
i could definitely identify with Katniss and being hungry. although i must say that the glucose drink did a good job of coating my stomach so i felt pretty good. i didn't feel tired, jittery, or the wee babe go out of control on a sugar high at all- all things i've heard other people say.  the only downer was on my 2nd blood draw when the lab tech couldn't get a vein and jabbed me 3 times (quite painfully i might add) before resorting to taking blood from a vein in my hand.

after i finished, i treated myself to a egg sandwich at the Corner Bakery (hello protein! it never sounded so good) and went home to an amazing nap. unfortunately, i woke up with a huge bruise :(
i have about 2 surface veins total in my arms and since they didn't want to keep poking those they had to dig around for a new one. eww.

i think i'll find out next week if i passed and i'm praying i do! this is my last hoo-ray of the 2nd Trimester. after this week, hello 3rd Trimester!

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