Saturday, February 2, 2013

Childbirth 101

Happy February! Suffice it to say, i will have a baby this month! that's still a little beyond my comprehension.  but as i continually follow my What to Expect February forum and see all my cohorts have their babies, i'm getting more and more anxious to meet our Little Wood. i had every intention to write a little more throughout January, but between my two jobs, three baby showers, childbirth classes, and cold weather which left me wanting to hibernate, i just didn't have the energy. but i am a new woman, because yesterday was my last day of work before maternity leave starts! i have roughly 18 days til my due date, and who knows how long until the wee babe makes her appearance. at my appointment yesterday i was 75% effaced and 1cm dilated, so we shall see! For now, i'm feeling pretty amazing, and still feeling a ton of movement from LW.

well, on to the purpose of this post- Childbirth classes! this was one class which i initially tried to get out of. they were three weeks long, 6-9 every thursday, and frankly sounded terrifying. i hated the idea of "panting" in front of other people, and semi-convinced myself that they wouldn't be useful because i would end up having a c-section (there is no foundation for believing this- baby is head down and low. but i just REALLY didn't want to take a class and watch horrifying videos.) after completing the three weeks and feeling only mildly squeamish at the thought of crowning and episiodomies, i am here to tell you that you NEED TO TAKE A CHILDBIRTH CLASS. why?

because most women prolong their own labor because they are scared and resistant to what's going on in their body- due to lack of knowledge. i don't know about you, but when the time comes, i want Little Wood out of there as soon as possible and don't want to experience the agony of labor longer than i need to.

because it will make your husband feel much more a part of the process, and not so helpless on the sidelines as you writhe in pain. plus, he can help act on your behalf when it's epidural time! (which i'm open to receiving, just not committed off the bat).

because the videos, while sorely outdated and boasting the most unattractive people from the 90's on the planet, really are helpful. childbirth is not "knocked up" or a "friends" episode. it's ugly and sweaty and you need to be prepared.

and finally, because your spouse gets to learn pregnancy massage! We spent the last 30-45 minutes of each class practicing relaxing breathing techniques while our spouses massaged! the breathing techniques were actually quite nice, and weren't the typical "hee-hee-ha" i've seen. who knows if i'll use them when the time comes, but it's nice to have them in my arsenal.

all in all, it was a great experience and only made me more confident in my hospital and myself. i still wouldn't say i'm excited for labor, but at least i know what i got myself in to!

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