Thursday, February 6, 2014

Holidays gone by...

I've been super disappointed in myself these past few months about not keeping this blog updated. I've gone back and forth between being too busy, too tired, not interested, etc. Good thing for me, I haven't stopped taking millions of pictures, so I can return to blogging and hopefully catch up!

First things first: Olivia's first smattering of holidays! I've managed to completely miss Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas blogging. For Halloween, miss Ollie was an owl, of course! I was actually trying to avoid it because everyone knows how much I love owls and I really don't want anyone to think I'm projecting on to her, but I found the cutest outfit so oh well. To celebrate, we went to my dad and step moms neighborhood party and walked around a little. nothing too fancy!

I didn't plan on hosting Thanksgiving this year, but we had somewhat of a family ER illness come up so I ended up cooking for Dave and myself. Then, my dad, step mom and step sister ended up coming over so we had a family dinner after all! Ollie got to have her first Thanksgiving dinner and she loved it!

Christmas was amazing! I tried to celebrate all month long with cookie making with my mom, Christmas tree decorating, parties with friends, a visit with Santa, Christmas light watching, Christmas Eve church services, and gifts at my parents!

This first holiday season for Olivia was wonderful! I think back to the holidays last year when I imagined what it would be like with her here with us, and it went way beyond my expectations. I can't wait for many more to come :)

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