Monday, August 19, 2013

babies are gross

mom rant: babies can be so dirty! no, I'm not a horrible mom for admitting it because everyone who's had a baby knows how gross they can be. aside from the dirty diapers, my eyes have been opened to all the fluids that babies seem to expel. to borrow a quote from one of my all time favorite movies, Fools Rush In, "How can so much come out of something so small?" million dollar question.

here is a glance back at my adventures:
Double whammy, probably in the first 2 weeks we were home. My poor couch.
My poor shorts.
My poor couch again. (P.s., no one is ever going to want to sit on my couch now)
no caption needed.
my poor hair
 Ever since we've started "solid" foods, the adventure has only continued. Now I have to combat my child's constant desire to wipe her green bean-strued face on the high chair, or stick her feet in her mouth when eating applesauce.
I'm starting to see the value of an all plastic high chair.

even though my child can be quite gross at times, she's still my wee baby and I love her! I wish I could cuddle her non stop, but she's already becoming quite independent as she nears 6 months. here are some of my new favorite pictures to end this post on a nice note:)

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