Tuesday, April 30, 2013

2 Month Favorites

my wee babe is 2 months old! she has grown so much in the last 4 weeks and has become quite the fun baby. below are some of our survival tools for this past month:

Playtex Nurser Drop-in Bottles: my professional mother/cousin (she has 5 girls and we are only 2 days apart!) recommended these bottles and they are amazing! they keep air out, mimic the breast (apparently, although it seems that every bottle slogan says that now), and are BEYOND easy to clean. they are a hollow tube that you drop a liner in, which collapses as the wee babe drinks. then when she's done, you just throw the liner away and wash the nipple. no bottle cleaning! the liners are very affordable, and both Target and Wal-Mart make their own brand. although since Amazon has the Playtex ones cheap, i've only tried those.

Baby Bath Sponge: i didn't register for a ginormous baby bath tub because i didn't want to store one, so i ordered this baby bath sponge from Amazon for $7 and LOVE IT! Olivia seems to dig it to, as our bath times are always tear free now.  it's nice because it's easy to submerge with water to keep baby warm, and it's super easy to clean because all you have to do is wring it out to dry. and since it's so cheap, i won't care when it's time to toss out.

Baby Log iPhone app: there are a bazillion apps out there to help you track all things baby, but i use this one. it's not special, and i'm sure any app will do, but you've got to have something.  our 2 week pediatrician appointment was very detailed and they wanted to know everything! how often and how much was LW eating, how many wet and dirty diapers, etc. there is absolutely no way to keep track of this info without a place to keep it. since i pretty much have my phone on me at all times, it wasn't a question as to whether i should keep it all on my phone. i still use it even though i'm not breastfeeding anymore (now THAT was ridiculous to track) to track when LW last ate and her dirty diapers.

Dr. Brown's Formula Mixing Pitcher: when we transitioned to exclusively formula feeding i quickly realized i didn't want to spend a lot of time making bottles. i read about this product on Amazon (are we seeing a trend here?) and it got great reviews. basically, you can make up to 32 ounces of formula at once and keep it in the fridge for up to 24 hours. its awesome to just go to the fridge and have a bottle ready when you need it. the one thing i recommend is to mix half the amount of formula (with the full amount of water, of course), then add the 2nd half after you've mixed it enough so the clumps are gone. clumpy formula is gross.

Infantino Go Gaga Activity Mat: this is a new purchase, and another thing i didn't register for because i thought it was lame. but then i realized that Olivia likes to do her "calisthenics" and i figured she would like a little stimulation so i ordered it myself. we love it! it collapses so it's not yet another baby item cluttering the living room and the gym part comes off so the mat can be used later when i have a toddler.  

Graco Forecaster Swing: this has become a must have for cranky LW and for when mama Wood just needs a few minutes to use both hands for household chores, etc. there are 6 speeds, classical music, and nature sounds (which just sounds like a rushing river and loud, chirpy birds), and it's SUPER quiet. it's battery powered, but we've been using it for 2 straight months daily and i still haven't had to change the batteries. i definitely recommend a swing for all FTM's. it's worth the space it takes up in the living room.

and that's our second month!

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